World Premiere: Dual Drilling

As part of planning of the 2019 exploration drilling campaign, our dedicated team “turned every stone” in driving drilling performance and overall rig effectiveness.

The result? World’s first dual drilling operations, meaning drilling the shallow gas pilot hole in one derrick and the mainbore hole in the other, only 10m apart. Simultaneously at the very same time!

How? Robust planning with strong support from our alliance partners, enabled with the world-class Deepsea Stavanger drilling rig and crew

Why? Time savings of ~30 hours per well. Cost savings of up to NOK 15 million per well.

Check out this case history for further details:
Successful Dual Drilling Operations Saves Aker BP USD 1.2 Million with Zero HSE Issues

Source: 2019 Q2 Presentation, AkerBP

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